The Pillowman
By Martin McDonagh
“I hope you believe us when we say that Catalyst’s Ross-directed production of “Pillowman” at the IndyFringe Theatre is perfectly cast and brilliantly executed (pardon the apt turn of phrase)…Performances are exceptional. Pelsue has the tough-SOB archetype down, and gives us a perfect calm-but-simmering veteran cop. Walls plays a man who has a human layer under the professional inquisitor, but makes you earn getting a glimpse of it. Cox doesn’t look like the kind of person who can survive such an interrogation, but he finds some fight within him. As for Rogers’s Michal, he keeps it “simple” without being an insensitive caricature…’There are no heroes,’ Ross told me. All four men enter the story broken, and not all will leave alive.”
-John Belden, Plays with John and Wendy
“Special mention to Rogers and Pelsue, for performances that demanded attention throughout…Please take the time to check Catalyst’s website for details, as they are doing theatrical work that deserves your attention.”
-Adam Crowe, A Seat on the Aisle
By Bennett Ayres
“…tightly spooled…What moves the action forward is showing how the cavalier attitude of the authority figure maims and breaks students; heartbreakingly pushing them to the brink of death. Why? To garner yet another trophy for the coach to take home?…Zachariah Stonerock directs with nuanced perception. “
-Rita Kohn, NUVO
“Playing the adversarial roles effectively were well-known actor Mark Goetzinger, as the unrepentant, macho coach Harrison, and Jamaal McCrary, as his damaged, former charge, Beemer, now comfortable in his own skin. Both actors were impressive in portraying their character’s deep disdain for one another, creating a tension that was highly discomforting and even spellbinding at times…The show deserves a full house to experience the excellence of the script, acting, and direction of the production. Among the fortunate few in attendance were Frank and Katrina Basile, for whom the theatre is named. Following the play, the three of us agreed that seeing ‘Lanista’ was time well spent.”
-Tom Alvarez, On the Asile
“First of all, I would like to say that I adore this show. I have not instantly fallen in love with a script like this since I first saw the Phoenix’s production of “The Pillowman.” I honestly can’t help but tell you that you MUST see this show. It is touching, infuriating, yet also cathartic to behold.”
-Plays with John and Wendy
Tortillo! 3: Sombrero's Revenge
By Casey Ross

-Tom Alvarez, On the Asile
” ‘Tortillo!’ repeatedly touches on the real world, even if such touches are more like groping and goosing…The characters bring their own demons into the mix. In the tradition of farce, such desirable qualities as “work-life balance” are jokes according to the John Gay standard. The costuming is imaginative and character-driven. The cast has its command of Ross’ rousing script honed to a fine point. In common with the requirements of farce — perhaps this is part of what we look like to the gods that Goddard alludes…The dust of controlled substances hangs in the air, however, just as the riotous action of “Sombrero’s Revenge” does in the memory — and in the audience’s temporary confidence that life is indeed a jest.”
-Jay Harvey, Jay Harvey Upstage
“Even though this is the third installment of the series, you do not have to have seen the previous ones to understand or enjoy it. In fact, highlights of the first two shows are shown prior to beginning of the performance…Watch, laugh, enjoy, and be ready in case this gang cooks up another sequel. Note Casey likes writing the F-word, otherwise it’s OK for teens and up… ”
-Plays with John and Wendy